1 time out left . Should Huggs have taken it?


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2008
No. May not have gotten ball into play. KU had turned their D up.
Different schools of thought on taking a timeout in those situations.

I have no problem with Huggs not taking a timeout. My problem is settling for a long 3. My other problem is Adrian not ball-faking and then going to the rim. If he does he gets fouled and goes to the line where one FT wins the game.
Absolutely should have. A big coaching error there not using the last timeout.

TC and Jay said they heard Bob trying to call it, but there's no way you don't get the ref's attention there.

8.5 second left....... 2 seconds getting up to half court. 6 seconds is a lifetime in basketball. WVU could have ran a great play to feed Williams the ball in the post.
As I'm sure you well know, KC, teams work on those situations in practice all the time.

As for calling a timeout, it allows us to set up a specific offensive play, but it also allows the defense to set up as well.- plus you have to inbound the ball first. Different coaches have different views. I have no problem with either way.

Not calling that timeout is not why we didn't win anyway.

This post was edited on 3/5 1:29 PM by mountainEERnation
All 5 Kansas players could have jumped on Adrains back broke his neck and cut his head off . And we know that no foul would have been called.
Hey, we have another game in less than 48 hours. It is time to forget the loss to KU and move on. If the team is still talking about how we let that one slip away we are in deep trouble against Oklahoma St. on Sat.
Adrian has to take his shot with the same motion he caught the ball. Too crowded down there to hesitate. Adrian is not a jumper. His shot would have been blocked by at least 3 KU defenders, IMO.

Huggs said he did NOT call time out because he didn't want to let KU set a defense.

And the expert thinks the ball can be taken out and gotten in to Williams. BdWilliams maybe if ball could have been gotten into play at all.
You are exactly right, Adrian is not a jumper, and he did have his shot blocked. That's why you ball fake and try and draw the foul at the least.

This post was edited on 3/5 8:49 PM by mountainEERnation
Didn't some of you guys get enough of inbounds play when Miles tossed that 'Hail Mary' to no one?

Maybe some of you mental midgets should leave matters of importance to, when it comes to basketball, to Coach Huggins... and just do your part of whining and yapping about things that don't meet your expectations.

He has 3 seconds to fake and draw a foul. They are not going to go for block until he leaves the floor, and most can out jump him, IMO.
That's why Huggins said he didn't call it

Originally posted by mountainEERnation:
As I'm sure you well know, KC, teams work on those situations in practice all the time.

As for calling a timeout, it allows us to set up a specific offensive play, but it also allows the defense to set up as well.- plus you have to inbound the ball first. Different coaches have different views. I have no problem with either way.

Not calling that timeout is not why we didn't win anyway.

This post was edited on 3/5 1:29 PM by mountainEERnation
It would have given one of the best coaches in the game a chance to set up his defense. You have to consider more than one side of the coin.
Originally posted by Bobaneer:
Hey, we have another game in less than 48 hours. It is time to forget the loss to KU and move on. If the team is still talking about how we let that one slip away we are in deep trouble against Oklahoma St. on Sat.
I can't speak for all the other posters....but I'm not actually on the team. So yea, I feel perfectly comfortable discussing our disgusting blowup loss (slip without an ounce of fear that it will impact the players performance against OSU on Saturday.
the way Adrian was positioned, the defender didn't even need to jump......

It's not on Adrian's ability at that point really. You take ANY player on our roster, stick up completely under the bucket, and make him have to jump backwards, into the defender, to even get a shot up............ and it is going to get blocked.

Poor court awareness by our bigs has been a consistency this whole season ----- That's on Erik Martin.
I've always personally been a fan of no timeout and trust your guys to make a play by catching the defense a little off guard and not organized. Huggs typically calls timeouts in those type situations. He likes drawing up a set. It's just two different schools of thought, neither is right or wrong.
I thought the 3 caught them off guard and allowed our guys to crash the rim.
We had the ball 2 feet from the basket with 3 seconds left. Unfortunately Nate's momentum took him under the basket.