‘WE’VE ALL BEEN FOOLED’: Rep and doctor sounds alarm over Dem ‘intelligentsia’


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Aug 5, 2009

If you vote or voted for Joey you have blood on your hands.
This entire administration needs to be legitimately investigated and charged for all of the corruption they’ve committed.
The way Jill spoke to Joe post debate, she sounded like she was giving positive affirmations to a preschooler or a dog that had learned a new trick. Jill should be arrested for elderly abuse and we all know it.

How is everyone freaking out now about how bad Joe is? Its been obvious for years.
Nobody with half a brain is freaking out. Only the ignorant, stubborn, circus clowns on the left are.

He's a National Security risk. But he's been one since he was sworn in. We as a country can't endure 4 more years of him or any Democrat. That's just the truth of it. If they win it will get alot worse. By that I mean nothing to reform or rebuild bad.

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