Search results for query: NGO

  1. DvlDog4WVU

    Time to go on the record....

    I’m honestly of this mindset as well. The IC are the ones with the most to lose. The NGO money laundering comes to an end as well if he wins. I just don’t see how they can let him win. Even if he does win, he’s not safe.
  2. DvlDog4WVU

    Billions for Ukraine and illegals...

    I’m very familiar with the NGO grift. It’s all totally legal, and it’s amazing how many of these NGOs employ family members and friends of the politicians who earmark these funds. Remember the Clinton Foundation with 91% of their money tied to “operating expenses”?
  3. DvlDog4WVU

    John Bolton knows what he is doing

    Investigating corruption? I agree. Good job on the Dems changing the narrative from Biden’s obvious corruption, the NGO money laundering, and focusing on shit that doesn’t matter.
  4. DvlDog4WVU


    ...the money goes. If your party is in power you get to direct where it goes. You think there aren’t kickbacks in the form of political donations? The American taxpayer literally funds a lot of lobbying dollars from these NGO and Non-Profits. Jesus Christ, dude, how far up your ass is your head...
  5. DvlDog4WVU


    ...much money does Planned Parenthood receive? How much did they donate? or pick a public Defense firm. How much in USG contracts and how much is kicked back to lobbying. pick any NGO that you can find and if they’re receiving grants, you can almost directly trace a 20-30% shave of that to a PAC.
  6. DvlDog4WVU

    OT: Slow disclosure of UFOs

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