Suggestion on Future Blue Lot Forum


Just an idea you and others at Rivals may already be thinking about or maybe it's available and I am just ignorant of it. Would love to be able to set some filters to see only Basketball or soccer topics on my personal Blue Lot. I imagine with AI, this will be easier to do in the future. Personally, I am in the mode of trying to ignore football threads and focus more on WVU basketball and soccer or other ancillary sport topics that pop up on The Blue Lot. It is really hard to do because of the high level of interest in football right now. Just a thought. Obviously, there would be lots of other customer advantages to advanced filters.......

Also, if there is a place to send suggestions rather than me starting a thread like this, let me know and I will be happy to do so in the future.

Thanks for having the Blue Lot as a service!!!!!
