
Jul 20, 2009
PrincessForever ran from her challenge to me on Saturday, then hid for me for four days after chickening out but hopes that nobody noticed...LOL at her trying to recreate history.
I was at Flatwoods at werent....end of story.

The whole board now knows after a week of saying 'come and get me'...that you are just a big pussy and coward.

Thanks for starting another thread about me.
The whole board saw me call you out for not showing up on Saturday, then hiding from me for four days. LOL at fake tough guy trying to recreate history. Your dreams (delusions) of being the Board President have been shattered...LOLOLOL
The babbling imbecile who starts thread after thread about me, then spams them with the same stupid comments all day and night long posts, "yawns?" LOL
I have to admit I am laughing so hard at you...spamming thread after thread trying to convince the board that you arent a huge pussy that failed to show up for a fight...and starting this thread trying to convince them....LMAO.

You haven't told the truth for so long I am not even sure you can anymore.

I guess if you type it enough you will even believe you showed up....LMAO
The Princess of Projection continues to flap her c0cksucker, hoping that nobody noticed that she failed to show up after having thumped her tiny t!ts... You can run like you did on Saturday and even hide like you did from me for four days, but I'm right here to remind you what a coward you are, Princess. LOL at the ultimate spammer, who keeps spamming her stupid threads in which nobody else posts. You are a pathetic loser, chick. LOLOLOLOL
Yawns....another meltdown by queenie....

Proved to the whole board what a pussy and a coward you....good job...

I knew you wouldn't show up you run your mouth behind a computer screen.
It doesn't matter how many times that you tell the same lie, cvnt, as your fairy tale will never come true. I was here on Saturday to tell everybody that you chickened out, as expected, and your desperate attempt to change history days later has me laughing in your fat face even more than usual. The best thing about your recent posts is the absolute meltdown that you had in your own thread when muthed pointed out that you nobody responds to the posts in your brain-dead threads, but you desperately keep posting in them. Thanks for the free entertainment, you pathetic m-fer! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
It doesn't matter how many times that you tell the same lie, cvnt, as your fairy tale will never come true. I was here on Saturday to tell everybody that you chickened out, as expected, and your desperate attempt to change history days later has me laughing in your fat face even more than usual. The best thing about your recent posts is the absolute meltdown that you had in your own thread when muthed pointed out that you nobody responds to the posts in your brain-dead threads, but you desperately keep posting in them. Thanks for the free entertainment, you pathetic m-fer! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
LMAO...Look at this rant...and nobody believes you...

Gave you a week to get ready and make the drive to Flatwoods and you didn't show...because you are a pussy and a coward...and the whole board knows it.

I can't help it if you are too big of a pussy as well to post in one of my threads...

A pussy in real life and a pussy on a message board too.

Good times that everyone here knows you said 'come and get me' for weeks and no-showed the fight.
The chickensh!t who ran away from me on Saturday and hid from me for the next couple of days is lying and projecting, as usual. It's very ironic that PrincessForever is posting about rants and meltdowns as she recently threw a hissy fit when muthed asked her a simple question about her spamming her own threads over and over without any other poster's involvement. PrincessForever needs a binky.
The chickensh!t who ran away from me on Saturday and hid from me for the next couple of days is lying and projecting, as usual. It's very ironic that PrincessForever is posting about rants and meltdowns as she recently threw a hissy fit when muthed asked her a simple question about her spamming her own threads over and over without any other poster's involvement. PrincessForever needs a binky.
Nobody and I mean nobody here believes you showed keep spewing your lies....

Nothing you say has any merit as you have been proven as a pussy and a coward...

Leave the site have been totally shown as a liar and scared bitch.
It's hilarious that you've deluded yourself into believing that you speak for anybody but the voices inside of your tiny head, princess. Nobody believes the band sissy who pounded her tiny t!ts, then failed to show on Saturday and disappeared for several days because she was too ashamed to show up and take her medicine. Rest assured that I'm not going anywhere, tuts.
It's hilarious that you've deluded yourself into believing that you speak for anybody but the voices inside of your tiny head, princess. Nobody believes the band sissy who pounded her tiny t!ts, then failed to show on Saturday and disappeared for several days because she was too ashamed to show up and take her medicine. Rest assured that I'm not going anywhere, tuts.
^^^ She's yawning probably because, as usual, she's posting all be herself at 2:23 a.m. #PatheticLoserWithNoLife
^^^ She's yawning probably because, as usual, she's posting all be herself at 2:23 a.m. #PatheticLoserWithNoLife
I love living in your head rent go back to telling your lies....

I OWN YOU BITCH...I post....and you respond to everything I do here...even recording what time I post.

I call you out and you don't show like the pussy coward you are...

I may start my own cocksucer a bigger pussy or a bigger coward....or C...both.

I may start my own cocksucer a bigger pussy or a bigger coward....or C...both.

PrincessForever continues her perpetual lie. She is clearly embarrassed that she ran from me on Saturday, then hid from me for three days because she was ashamed of herself. Now, she's melting down again, as she can't even spell her favorite word, which she posts dozens of times per day...LOLOLOL
PrincessForever continues her perpetual lie. She is clearly embarrassed that she ran from me on Saturday, then hid from me for three days because she was ashamed of herself. Now, she's melting down again, as she can't even spell her favorite word, which she posts dozens of times per day...LOLOLOL
Yawns...still typing out all these lies....How could I run from you when you failed to show?

You should go back to posting kiddie porn here....since you suck at lying.

Yawns...still typing out all these lies....How could I run from you when you failed to show?

You should go back to posting kiddie porn here....since you suck at lying.

More slanderous lies from SANDUSKYForever, who can't stop fantasizing about child pornography and is now begging me to post this trash to fulfill his demented fantasy. You're a sick fvck and hated for good reasons. You made a very wise decision to run away and hide from me last Saturday, Jerry.
BUMP for my stalker, who is begging me to post in her slanderous thread full of lies, but I won't start doing so now. It's much more fun to watch her "talk" to herself in her many threads about me. I wonder if she's still chapped from Saturday's dry fvck by mighty Kansas...LMAO!
GlennCloseFOREVER is stalking me like crazy today, but still too ashamed of Saturday night's debacle to discuss football on this WVU sports board.
PrincessForever is in full stalking and meltdown mode...spamming the same stupid repetitive post. Nothing ever changes with this dizzy chick...LOLOLOLOL
Watch PrincessForever embarrass herself on the Main Board with this same stupid post that she has made at least 10 times over there:

"Bucky...Why are you ignoring the BYU hoax?

Don't you owe a lot of us apologizes for calling us racists and nazis?"

BLMBucky has completely ignored her. What a desperate idiot she is...LOLOLOL
Now, Princess is trying to lie her way out of being embarrassed by BLMBucky on the Main Board. It ain't workin', chick! LMAO!
ATTENTIONWHOREFOREVER is still getting ignored by BLMBucky on the main board, and continues to melt down about it...LOLOLOL
SPAMMINGForever wants nobody to look at the Main Board, where BLMBucky has shamed him by ignoring his repetitive and brain-dead posts.

Swears that he saw child pornography on this message board years ago, but nobody else saw his fantasy...check

Lies and slanders to cover up his sick demented child porn fantasy...check

Trolls the Internet at all hours of every night and morning, including on weekends...check

Yep, he's a sick perverted double check
Sick puke SANDUSKYForever is so desperate to blame her sick child porn fantasy on me that she's resorted to changing the words in my posts. Nobody believes this demented puke, who should be in prison.
CHILDPORNFANFOREVER continues to fantasize about seeing his favorite images on a sports message board. Keep your young children away from this sick and demented creep.
PEDOPHILEFOREVER continues to fantasize about seeing child pornography on this message board. His sick and demented a$$ should be locked up.
BUMP for the pedo puppet, who can't stop dancing for me. Watch this loser never stop posting in the same two threads..I own this b!tch. LOLOLOLOL
Sh1t for brains PedoForever only has 10 words in her vocabulary. Fat, stupid and addicted to child pornography is no way to go through life, chick.
BUMP because SanduskyForever is a sick stalking puke who loves to post about her child pornography fantasy.
Most ignorant poster ever is my puppet on a string...keep posting the same stupid handful of words in two threads, my brain-dead puppet...LMAO at your sub-80 IQ.
The pathological liar is still lying, even when the truth swats her right in her fat a$$! LOLOLOLOL

Here is the account that she has lied for years has been banned:


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