"...the only reason the border is not secure is Donald Trump." ... your fvcking pedophile traitor said that today...


Hall of Famer
May 29, 2001
"Every day between now and November, the American people are going to know that the only reason the border is not secure is Donald Trump."

I am really surprised they are seeking traction at this point in the game.
They should have a workable strategic game plan in place by now.
Axelrod was right.
"Every day between now and November, the American people are going to know that the only reason the border is not secure is Donald Trump."

People will believe the news , plain and simple. They still believe Trump colluded with Russia, msm has told them no different. Most have no idea what was really going on at the border during Obama and only believe Trump had kids in cages, msm told them so. Most will play on tictok watch videos of some stupid stuff while at government jobs and remain ignorant until they can't buy TP and standing in a bread line . The good people running from socialists countries to make a better life for themselves here will vote Democrat not understanding what's about to happen.
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