Presidential knee pad wearer, Thomas Friedman,


Gold Member
Jan 27, 2005
Believes a Obama is marching toward a very bad end with Iran. He wrote that Obama has no leverage and is actually enhancing Iran's strength throughout the Middle East by using them as a proxy in Iraq. The mice are starting to flee the sinking ship.
A true narcissist like Obama has to loathe the fact he'll be ..........

.............. out of office (assuming he leaves) and will happily be forgotten by many while Netanyahu will remain in the spotlight and partake in relevance well after Barack becomes far less relevant.

This guy is a brooder deluxe and that is gonna really chap his bony ass.
i admit the primaries will be fun

You will have the candidates getting all the press and poor obama will have to start a war to get media attention.
Or to avoid the collapse of the dollar during his tenure.

It would not be the first time a war was concocted for fiscal reasons.

In fact, many have been.

Yet, people totally ignore who is pinching Russia's economy. This nice little ruse that Rome and America have pulled off in the Ukraine has been quite the comedy.