Liberals love Fox News, a lot more than CNN....


Heisman Winner
May 29, 2001
Williamstown, WV
LINK: In October Fox News commanded 42% of Democrat viewers between 25 and 54, CNN had 33%

Fox News just celebrated 20 years at number one. The first cable news channel in history to hit that landmark. It’s been and honor and a privilege to crush CNN and MSNBC, especially CNN in the ratings over the years. But it’s a team effort, as they say over at PBS, "we couldn’t do it without viewers like you." A lot of you who tune in are conservatives and independents and we appreciate you, there’s another demographic who apparently can’t get enough of Fox. Democrats. And I’m not just talking about my own mom. I didn’t believe this either, but we’ve seen the data. Liberals love Fox News. They might not admit it to their friends, but they’re watching us, and they’re watching us a lot more than they’re watching CNN and MSNBC.
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People crave information so they can make up their own minds. And while all of us will gravitate to an extent to info we like, most people have a limit on the amount of spin they will accept. Clearly, CNN and MSNBC exceeded the spin limits of most people long ago. While Fox certainly leans right, its efforts to provide across-the-board info is the difference here.
Viewers can see through the pablum and crap that's offered as information on CNN or MSNBC. You can fool all of the people some of the time, and you can fool some of the people all of the time...but 'ya can't fool all of the people all of the time!


#1 with most of the people ALL of the time!

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