If I go into a bakery and ask for a cake with

EERs 3:16

Heisman Winner
Oct 17, 2001
a certain flag on it - are the bakers required to comply with my request?
It depends on what the baker self-identifies as.
a certain flag on it - are the bakers required to comply with my request?
You're not fooling anyone. You think that we think you want someone to drop the L from flag when in fact you DO want someone to drop the L from flag.
Well, we're not falling for it!
You're not fooling anyone. You think that we think you want someone to drop the L from flag when in fact you DO want someone to drop the L from flag.
Well, we're not falling for it!

It's a very legitimate question. I'm assuming a black baker would have to bake a cake with racist toppings, right?
That is absolutely untrue. Hate speech is protected by the first amendment.

It is. However, no one is required to provide you a venue for your hate speech. Newspapers run various advertisements but if you asked for ad space to print a racial diatribe they can legally reject you. What they can't do is refuse to accept your ad due to your race, color, sex, or creed. In certain states, they would also not be able to reject your add due to your sexuality.
Lol, This is what the wing nuts worry about. It really doesn't matter anymore, the country has changed and ya'll missed it in the bubble.
A Louisiana man gave his local Walmart an order for a Confederate flag cake, along with the caption: “Heritage, Not Hate.” Bakers at the Walmart in Slidell, Louisiana, rebuffed the controversial cake design, but evidently knew nothing of the ISIS flag.
I have a feeling Gay people won't be worried about proving this point anymore.
hate speech is not protected. If damages result of hate speech it can be prosecuted.

Hate speech is protected. There are exceptions to the First Amendment, yelling fire in a crowded theatre or "fighting words." But a liberal can stand on a street corner and shout anti Christian statements all day long with no fear of government intervention.