Anyone have Gene's recipe for hot dog chili?


Gold Member
Sep 25, 2001
Or a reasonable facsimile? Certainly someone out there has tried to duplicate it?
I grew up real close to Genes. Started eating Genes chili dogs as a young kid when I'd go there with my dad and uncle when my uncle was visiting. I'd go there for lunch in high school and eat a couple and chase it down with a cold beer. Yes they served me as the drinking age was 18 then and no one carded.

As for the sauce, I've never tried to make it. After the original owner died a gentleman by the name of Dick Ryan started making the sauce. Mr. Ryan has since passed and I haven't been since then so I don't know how close to the original it even is. But I am way past due for a visit to my old stomping grounds for a dog and a beer.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Dick Ryan ?

The ex UHS coach ? He lived off Brockway Ave. His brother was the principle at MHS.
Re: Dick Ryan ?

Good Lord, please don't let that recipe slip through the crack of history!
Re: Dick Ryan ?

I may venture over to Genes Friday for lunch and see if they still make it the same. I haven't eaten there in years.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

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