Another day, another dead American caused by Obama's immigration policies

Right. Blame Obama because a local sheriff releases a man suspected of murder and attempted murder.
Right. Blame Obama because a local sheriff releases a man suspected of murder and attempted murder.

The Border Patrol, under orders from DHS, refused to come and get the guy. This is on the feds and is Obama's specific illegal immigrant policy.
Maybe you ought to read up on the policy. CBP has never been required to detain anyone suspected of crime. This is from the DHS memo implementing Obama's directive.

The following shall constitute the Department's civil immigration enforcement priorities:

Priority 1 (threats to national security, border security, and public safety) Aliens described in this priority represent the highest priority to which enforcement resources should be directed:

(a) aliens engaged in or suspected of terrorism or espionage, or who otherwise pose a danger to national security;
(b) aliens apprehended at the border or ports of entry while attempting to unlawfully enter the United States;
(c) aliens convicted of an offense for which an element was active participation in a criminal street gang
(d) aliens convicted of an offense classified as a felony in the convicting jurisdiction, and
(e) aliens convicted of an "aggravated felony," as that term is defined in section 101(a)(43) of the Immigration and Nationality Act at the time of the conviction.
Maybe you ought to read up on the policy. CBP has never been required to detain anyone suspected of crime. This is from the DHS memo implementing Obama's directive.

The following shall constitute the Department's civil immigration enforcement priorities:

Priority 1 (threats to national security, border security, and public safety) Aliens described in this priority represent the highest priority to which enforcement resources should be directed:

(a) aliens engaged in or suspected of terrorism or espionage, or who otherwise pose a danger to national security;
(b) aliens apprehended at the border or ports of entry while attempting to unlawfully enter the United States;
(c) aliens convicted of an offense for which an element was active participation in a criminal street gang
(d) aliens convicted of an offense classified as a felony in the convicting jurisdiction, and
(e) aliens convicted of an "aggravated felony," as that term is defined in section 101(a)(43) of the Immigration and Nationality Act at the time of the conviction.

This is very simple. He was caught by local police. Local police called Border Patrol who told them to let him go even though he was in this country ILLEGALLY. They did. He killed people. He should have been sent to DHS and deported. He is illegally in this country. This is not too hard to understand.
First of all, the Border Patrol did not tell the sheriff to let him go, they refused to take custody of him and the sheriff let him go. Even if they had, he's under no obligation to release a suspected felon on their say-so. This is all on the local sheriff. The man was a suspect in a murder and and attempted murder, why wasn't he held for prosecution by the state? His illegal status was immaterial to the crime. This is a case of a local yokel sheriff and prosecutor trying to use immigration law as a means of avoiding the cost of a trial and incarceration. And they'd be the first ones whinging about Federal interference in state matters if the Border Patrol had yanked a murderer out from under them.
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First of all, the Border Patrol did not tell the sheriff to let him go, they refused to take custody of him and the sheriff let him go. Even if they had, he's under no obligation to release a suspected felon on their say-so. This is all on the local sheriff. The man was a suspect in a murder and and attempted murder, why wasn't he held for prosecution by the state? His illegal status was immaterial to the crime. This is a case of a local yokel sheriff and prosecutor trying to use immigration law as a means of avoiding the cost of a trial and incarceration. And they'd be the first ones whinging about Federal interference in state matters if the Border Patrol had yanked a murderer out from under them.

You don't have the facts correct. He was captured by the local police for acting suspiciously while in a parking lot. He had no ID. He told the police he was an illegal. They called Border Patrol who spoke with the illegal on the phone. He had not yet committed any crime. The Border Patrol told the police that they would not issue a detainer for him. In other words, let him go. The local police let him go. He subsequently attempted to rape his 14 year old niece, shot a woman who was walking her two children and killed a 60 year old woman. He was captured by the police while holding a boy as hostage. He fired shots at the policemen.