“Trump is running America just like his businesses —


you're such a stupid idiot...

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"A study by Stanford University reveals that 9/10 liberal men are homosexual."
Same studies showed that 10/10 liberal women look like farm animals.
Would say they sound like farm animals but ive met some good looking liberal women...the things ive said i liked trying to hook up with them ....if a guy can take the mass amount of crap coming from there mouth ..its worth it ..
right into the ground”

So why isn't the message from the Left to illegal aliens "No, no...don't come, stay away, country is a White racist sh*t hole"...instead of "yes...come, hurry!!!! Bring your children, the whole family if you can... we'll even put you up in a 'sanctuary city' so Trump can't send you back"!o_O

Ans: We need your votes even if we have to cheat.